Had the Missionaries over again last Friday for supper! They are always so fun to have, and I never have to worry about leftovers! No poetry this time, they sang for their supper tho! I'm horrible with names, so I'll not bother, except for the two in the 3rd from the top, that's the Savages! My real dinning table is in storage back in the states and since every time they come over it's raining, we get to eat on the couch! (Except poor Elder Campbell, he always gets the floor?)
I fixed them some Dirty Spaghetti, Herbed rolls, and Pound cake cup cakes with Cherry topping. And what a treat for us, they sang for their supper afterward! I made a triple batch of sauce (a large crock pot FULL) and 3 lbs of pasta, 47 rolls, and 30 cup cakes to feed them. There was very little left over!
The Pound cake is a family recipe that I'm not sure I'm allowed to give out, but I'll give out the topping, I used 3 bags of frozen pitted cherries, about 3/4 cup sugar, 2 cups 100% berry Juice (Juicy Juice I think) and a corn starch slurry to thicken. just like Pie filling pretty much. And just globbed it on top of the cup cakes.
The bread and sauce I've done before and linked in, so they're clickable, if you need. That was Last Fri and it's Thursday again, we had steak and mashed potatoes with halved Roma tomatoes that I sprinkled with dried basil then put a dab of mozzarella cheese on, then put under the broiler till cheese is bubbly (it's my fav summer side dish, and takes like 5 min to make). I think there was some hot dog action in there, and some leftover/clean out the fridge happenings too.
I have been doing some cooking, between Dr apts. just been forgetting to take pics, and like most things, out of sight out of mind for me. AND I managed to sprain my ankle BAD, so I'm now on crutches, and my foot is an amazing purple/blue/green color! OH!, and remember my hand, that was fracture, no sprained? well, I had a follow up appt and a new xray by my regular Dr at the 6 week mark, and guess what? Totally fractured that puppy, you can tell cause it's half way healed now and you can see the calcification on the new xray, too late to cast, or do anything about now, but good to know huh? DOUBLE guess what? when you have a half healed hand (that would be fully healed had they casted that sucker 8 weeks ago) and now you're on crutches and leaning with your full weight on your hand it HURTS, and will probably re-break any healing that's taken place if I had to guess. But what do I know?
Last night DH and DD#1 did the actual cooking while I directed from the sofa. DD#1 did the rice in the rice cooker and green beans in the microwave! DH did the fish in the broiler, DS#1 brought me a small dish and the herbs I asked for so I could mix them up (salt, pepper, onion, garlic, paprika, marjoram, parsley, water and Worcestershire sauce in the bottom of the broiler pan), and DH sprinkled them on to the fish.
I didn't feel like gimping it over to the desk for the camera. I will however take a pic of my ankle for you! According to the Dr it's not broken, I just popped off a tendon or something, but I'm going to follow this up with my regular Dr ASAP since I'm having tons of swelling and numbness in my toes.
Not sure what we're doing for meals over the weekend, we might just do take out or I might call the Missionaries to see if they can call the Relief Society and have some meals delivered. I'm NOT going to be up in the kitchen on crutches that's for dang sure I can tell you!
No way! It was broken? After all that aggravation? And now your ankle... holy cow. all I can say is holy cow.... your a walking bruise and that ankle looks awful!
ReplyDeleteI feel really really bad for you. ack
yup, broken and not ever in a cast. cause I'm not counting that splint thing that they told me not to wear all the time. and I'm now trying to get an appt for my foot cause my toes are numb, and I'm sure that's not a good sign!
ReplyDeleteNo, omg, no! You need to sit down for a about a month first to relax and second to not break anything else! LOL