So, thankfully Spring Break happened during DH's trip. I had the kids home to help keep my mind off missing him, and lets face it with 4 kids home a week, and a camping trip planned you don't have a lot of time for pinning away!
The week started off superbly, picnics, lookey-loo shopping, gardening, light dinners, no real cooking. Just some throw together stuff and movies and running around like we had no concerns.
The closer and closer it got to our camping trip the worse the weather looked, and then it hit.
It rained, and rained. We tried to have fun anyway.
And then, cause 4 kids and a mom in a camper tailor for 3 days 2 nights isn't enough, we'll toss in 12 hrs of stomach flu too.
We had hot dogs the first night (boiled on the gas stove) with avocado and tomato dip, and fruit salad (I made at home before we headed out). Night 2 the rain cleared up enough for grilled burgers (the culprit of the tummy troubles?) and grilled veg shishka-bobs. Just some Deli Sandwiches on Pita bread during the day and some eggs and potato stuff for breakfast (the first day, the second day we had dry cereal, LOL).
Our tummies were a tad tender still the last week, so we took it easy with light things not blog worthy.
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