Roasting this particular chicken was a bit tricky. I shall break it down into days for you; feel free to edit with a liberal hand.
Saturday (Day 1): Lay out chicken for thawing. Go garden all day. Be thorough enough to make yourself both dirty and sore from head to toe. Place chicken in fridge on plate. Tell DH he's taking you out to supper.
Sunday (Day 2): Do some indoor gardening in the morning while it's raining, and then make lunch. Then, Since it's cleared up outside, load everyone up in the car to attend the Cherry Blossom Festival, only to be rained out. Eat random baked goods at Japanese mall. Drive home in a storm, in the dark, in heavy traffic. Fight off the start of a migraine. Thankfully that's as far as it gets.
Monday (Day 3):Plan to start supper early so that you don't have to rush about later, and so that your husband can take it with him to work instead of eating it as leftovers the next day. But, on your way to the kitchen notice a bookshelf in dire need of tidying and spend an hour or so doing that. Afterward, in a small dish (bowl, mug) combine some 2 tsp garlic, onion powder, ground marjoram, 2 tbs Kosher salt, 1 tsp fresh ground pepper, 2 tsp poultry seasoning. Loosen the skin from the chicken and place the seasoning mixture under the skin on the meat (this is the best way to flavor the meat) stuff 1/2 a red grapefruit into the chicken (this keeps it moist and add a mildly citrus flavor). Chop 5-6 med new potatoes and place them around the chicken in the roasting pan. Add about 1-1 1/2 inches of water. In another pan, chop 6-7 carrots (orange) and 6-7 carrots (yellow) 1 lb bag frozen green beans, 2 bunches of radishes (I didn't have any red onion and used these a substitute). Lightly coat with olive oil and salt and pepper . Roast at 300 for 2 hours and the broil for 15 min till chicken is crisp.
The chicken was a hit, as were the potatoes and all the roasted veg; except for the radishes that is, they have almost no flavor when roasted, they were disappointing.
Now no freaking out about roasting a chicken, you can have a beautifully roasted chicken in about 45 min if you butterfly the chicken (see my post "the best laid plans") I just occasionally like to roast them whole. You know, mix it up a little.
I just realized, this is my 24 post, and this is the first time I've posted a dish (roasted chicken) twice! Are there any other mom's out there that are cooking such varied menus? I never realized before that there was so much time between repeats in our menu. I know we eat a lot of the same things, tomatoes, mushrooms, cheese, rice, pasta, etc. but actual dishes? I know I get bored eating the same thing too often.
Add to that I'm a post behind and it's Tuesday already, and so I've already got to post for today!
I did take a pic but I'll have to come back and edit this post to add it in.
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