Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"talk soup"

We finally got our soup fix!

Although it was fish free it was still tasty. Overtaken with the mood to cook before lunch had even crossed my mind today, I had a recipe forming, that got better only with the actual cooking of it. Dishes like this make me remember why I love cooking so much!

1 lb 97% lean ground beef (browned and drained)
1 acorn squash (steamed and chunked)
2/3 family size bag corn
1 lb butter beans (cooked in water and 2 Tbs bacon drippings till soft)
4 Tbs Soy sauce
1 Tbs Browning (it's over by stuff like liquid smoke, it adds flavor and color)
3 Tbs Kosher Salt
1 Tbs rubbed Sage
1 tsp oregano
1tsp pepper
3/4 gal water

drizzle with fresh cream at the end just to make it not feel watery on the palette (this is hard to explain it has to do with mouth feel, this shouldn't feel like broth, all watery, it should have a richness but not be creamy like Alfredo , it should coat the back of a spoon is all)

I know it sounds like a lot of salt in this dish but I swear squash is like potato in soup. You know when your mom was making soup and she over salted on accident, she added a potato to "soak" it up, well squash does the same thing apparently, so start with a little and taste. Also there are some flavors to me that just go together super well, and squash and soy are one of them, it's that whole salty and slightly sweet thing I think.

This soup was surprisingly hearty and DH even commented on how much he liked it, SCORE! The only thing I will caution you on is that for some reason when I make soup I think the pot needs to be full and feed 10 people. So be prepared for leftovers or invite the neighbors!

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